Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):

In the practice of dentistry picture continues to gain new perspective and tends to expand in many new indications: as photo document; Dental portfolio; facilitates the relationship between doctors and laboratories; to explain to the patient the specific method of dental care; part of the record in court cases; marketing tool; promotional aspect; contact with insurance companies; research work; fixation unusual (exclusive clinical) cases or features of health care; for registration of the reporting documentation; Diagnostic photographs.

Fixing the dental status of the patient is carried out using a camera or intra-oral camera.

 Select the type of camera is debatable aspect of this problem, especially in a legal matter.

The concept of intra-oral camera is used to inform, prepare documentation, improve inspection in complex cases, treatment of visibility when it is impossible to directly examine the working area

dental practice, photograph, film and digital cameras, intraoral cameras, camcorders, computer technology, dental diagnostics
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