03331nam#a2200361#i#4500001000500000005001700005008004000022020002300062044000900085080005700094084004000151100006600191100006600257100006600323100006500389100006300454245005700517260005100574300001100625500081700636510011501453510014501568510019501713510012901908510017102037510013702208510016102345510013802506510010102644510017002745533003302915856002102948269320241006103835.7 20191126d2019####ek#y0engy0150####ca##$a978-5-89895-930-2##$axxu##$aМедицина. Охрана здоровья. 61##$aСтоматология. 5662bbk#1$aGriroriev, Sergey Sergeevich$aUral State Medical University#1$aSorokoumova, Dina Viktorovna$aUral State Medical University#1$aChernyshova, Nina Dmitrievna$aUral State Medical University#1$aChagay, Andrey Anatol'evich$aUral State Medical University#1$aYepishova, Anna Andreevna$aUral State Medical University00$aRoot canal morphology. Endodontic access$cTextbook1#$aEkaterinburg$bTIRAZH Publishing House$c2019##$a58 p.##$aThe training manual is developed in full accordance with the training program for doctors - dentists. The manual presents classifications of the types of root canal structure, features morphology of root canals in various groups of teeth, principles of creating endodontic access, classification of tools for creating access and principles of their use. The presentation form and numerous illustrations make this publication informative and useful in clinical practice. This manual is intended to provide methodological assistance to students of the Faculty of Dentistry, residents and practicing dentists.$aMorphology of root canals, tooth groups, principles of creating endodontic access, classification of tools for creating access and principles of their use$a10.18481/textbook_5ddce2a6a72d65.259950470#$aBerzhenholc G. Endodontologiya. Per. s angl. pod nauch. red. S. A. Kutyaeva. -M. :Tarkomm, 2013. -408 s.: il.0#$aKlark D, Kademi D. Sovremennyy endodonticheskiy dostup k molyaram i napravlennoe sohranenie dentina. Chast' 1//Dental times №12, S. 21-240#$aKoen S. Endodontiya. 8-e izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe / S. Koen, R. Berns. Russkoe izdanie pod red. d. m. n., professora A. M. Solov'evoy. Izdatel'skiydom STBOOK, 2007. — 1026 s.0#$aMauns Richard E. Uluchshennyy endodonticheskiy dostup: principy i instrumenty//Institut stomatologii №3. 2016, S. 122-1230#$aTegako O. V. Anatomicheskie osobennosti kornevoy sistemy zubov cheloveka / Tegako O. V., Ivanov M. S. // Sovremennaya stomatologiya. ‒ 2006. ‒ № 3. - S. 11-16.0#$aSolov'eva O.A., Vinnichenko, Yu.A., Vinnichenko A.V. Maloinvazivnyy endodonticheskiy dostup//Stomatologiya №3. 2015. S. 56 – 600#$aChagay A. A., Cherkasova D. V. Rol' anatomii zubov pri planirovanii i provedenii endodonticheskogo lecheniya // Problemy stomatologii. 2011. №1. C. 28-290#$aTrope Martin, Kenneth Serota. Bio-Minimalism: Trends and Transitions in Endodontics// Sontinuing education feature. 2016, R. 98-1030#$aVertucci F.J. Root canal morphology of mandibular premolars. J Am Dent Assoc 1978; 97: 47–50.0#$aVertucci, F.J. Root canal morphology and its relationship to endodontic procedures / F.J. Vertucci // Endodontic Topics. – 2005. – Vol. 10. No 1. – P. 3–29.##$aThere is an electronic copy4#$adental-press.ru