LDR 24396nam#a2201273#i#450# 001 2290 005 20241002081812.3 008 _ 20181026d2018####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-89895-892-3 044 ## _$axxu 080 ## _$aМедицина. Охрана здоровья. 61 084 ## _$aСтоматология. 566 _2bbk 100 #1 _$aElovicova, Tat'yana Mihaylovna _$aUral State Medical University 100 #1 _$aGriroriev, Sergey Sergeevich _$aUral State Medical University 245 00 _$aSALIVA AS A BIOLOGICAL FLUID AND ITS ROLE IN THE HEALTH OF THE ORAL CAVITY _$cTextbook 260 1# _$aEkaterinburg _$bTIRAZH Publishing House _$c2018 300 ## _$a69 p. 500 ## _$aThe data of modern studies on the composition of saliva, its functions, its components and biologically active substances in the life of the body are summarized. The material is illustrated with 29 figures, diagrams and 4 tables. The manual is intended for dentists, teachers, graduate students, clinical residents. _$asaliva, biological fluid, oral cavity. _$a 510 0# _$aBasargina, A. D., Smirnov M. V., Karasev V. V., Elovikova T. M. 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