Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
UDK 616 Патология. Клиническая медицина
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.05.03 Стоматология
BBK 53 Клиническая медицина в целом
Introduction. Diseases of the temporomandibular joint are an acute problem for the entire dental community, so they are widely studied by various authors both in our country and abroad. This is due to the high prevalence both among patients at the dental reception (78.3–95.3%), and in the general population — up to 80% of the able-bodied population. The presence of a certain forced position of the lower jaw, in the case of a compensated state of pathology of the temporomandibular joint, during total dental treatment, can lead to a sharp decompensation of the disorders of the temporomandibular joint and the appearance of patient complaints. The purpose of the study is to identify predisposing factors for the formation of intraarticular pathology of the temporomandibular joint, which can be assessed by available diagnostic methods. Materials and methods. The object of the study was 80 patients (18 men and 62 women) aged 18 to 67 years, the average age is (45.7 ± 0.5) years: with functional disorders of the TMJ, lateral displacement of the lower jaw, condition after resection of the upper jaw and planned orthopedic and orthodontic patients without signs of intraarticular pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Research results. Based on the data of digital radiological diagnostic methods, the features of the relationship between the intraarticular structures of the temporomandibular joint in patients with lateral displacement of the lower jaw in comparison with people without the manifestation of intraarticular pathology were studied, a narrowing of the middle and distal articular gaps to (2.14 ± 0.20) and (1.74 ± 0.25) mm, respectively (norm indicators — (2.89 ± 0.30) and (2.17 ± 0.25) mm, respectively). Findings. The cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) format 17×20 in the usual bite can be used in a much wider range of diagnostics than the CBCT of the TMJ region, or CBCT of the dentition.
lateral displacement of the lower jaw, temporomandibular joint, cone beam computed tomography, forced position of the lower jaw, diagnostics
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